Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Iran-Israel Said to Have Agreed upon Israeli-Iran War to Boost Oil Prices as Demanded by the Bilderbergers (i.a. “Our” Politicians) and to Consolidate Their Power

Shimon Peres: “Israeli Attack on Iran increasingly Likely”. Incredible: Iran-Israel Said to Have Agreed upon Israeli-Iran War to Boost Oil Prices as Demanded by the Bilderbergers (i.a. “Our” Politicians) and to Consolidate Their Power

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Posted by Anders under English, EuromedSummary: After the communication in the HAARETZ on 3 Nov that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was seeking cabinet support for an attack on Iran´s nuclear plants, DEBKAfile on 6 Nov informed that all opposition against such an attack in the government has been overcome - and that the US seems to approve of it. Moreover, Israel´s president, Shimon Peres, says that the attack is becoming more and more likely. The Daily Mail tells that the US and the UK are drawing up a joint plan for an attack on Iran - and France is aboard, if Israel is threatened.
The official reason is that the forthcoming UN report will show clear indications that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. But the “Veterans Today” has quite a different motive: oil money. Sources have told the Veterans that meetings have taken place between Israel, Turkey, Russia and Iran over an agreed attack on Iranian oil plants “painted” by Iran herself- with the consent of Ahmedinejad´s government!!! The purpose would be to boost oil prices through war in the Middle East - as demanded by the Bilderbergers (i.a. “our” politicians) in June this year. For Israel has bought huge quantities of oil futures and will score tremendous sums through high oil prices. These, however, can only be achieved by the closure of the Strait of Hormuz as response to an Israeli/US attack on Iran.Israel has agreed to share the spoils with Iran. Russia has an evident interest in boosting energy prices, oil prices having nearly fallen to half of what it was a few months ago. Beyond this, both the Iranian and Israeli governments need to consolidate their power at home - soothing down severe social unrest.
CBSNews 4 Nov. 2011 points out that an Israeli attack would lead to a regional conflagration, in which Iran would use its proxies and allies and, most likely, terrorist units against US and Israeli targets across the region and even worldwide. The ripples would spread from there, including soaring oil prices (in the range of $150 to $200 per barrel). But an attack by either the United States or Israel makes no strategic sense. However, it does enrich the participants at our cost - possibly giving the coup de grace to western economy.
This is how the NWO Illuminati govern their one world. And it is just the beginning of a broader confrontation to begin in the Middle East acc. to Illuminati Guru Albert Pike - and from there to splash out over the whole world. The broader confrontation is unlikely to come right away: The gigantic subterranean bunkers to save the Illuminati will not be finished until 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends, a decisive mark for the superstitious Luciferian illuminati. Moreover, Bible prophecy does not state Iran/Persia to be the destroyer of Israel - but of Iraq. I guess that will not take place until the US has pulled out of Iraq - i.e. after 1 Jan. 2012. But it will come. Both Netanyahu and Ahmedinejad are Jews and Illuminati - the latter converted to Islam.And they are fanatic messianics fighting to create the apocalypse in which their messiahs are said to come to kill to secure his side total world dominance - this making ongoing war inevitable, of course, untill the real Messiah comes. 



  2. The broader confrontation is unlikely to come right away: The gigantic subterranean bunkers to save the Illuminati will not be finished until 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends, a decisive mark for the superstitious Luciferian illuminati.

    Luciferan do not belong in the illuuinati

  3. its the fall of lucifer, it has been done, kick all the luciferans out the secert council@..they are hurting DAVID(the sun,GOD's people) the only thing that matter to me is protecting the jewish people forever!

  4. i was in a jewish frat AEPI! I worked at ACME (in highschool)(which has a kosher deli and kosher bakery where my mom works, where i served the jews in highschool)..i am not jewish but i know how to save them..and this is divine intervention kick the luciferann out of the music industry and all mainstream outlets forever_
