Sunday, February 10, 2013


  This is getting out of control the Russians have implemented this serendipitous crippling of our country through the most ingenious, and sick, twisted, hidden, design, beyond comprehension of space and time to enfold America from within. I am in awe and seriously cannot believe that any supposed foe of ours would go through lengths to destruct  our country, through this systematic collapsing tormenting terror that the  Russia have interlocked in our society for quite some time, for us crumble from within is the goal it seems they have, to literally bring us to our fucking knees  and at the same time be able project to world  that we are the enemy is A warped  insane game and  Americans need to stand up tp Russia today.. for the evidence of today's earthquake in Colombia  MOore on "Project Woodpecker"; Russias
Aluminum Plants on Columbia prove to world that earthquake that occurred in Columbia 20 hours ago, was Russia's death ray Zapping beams of microwave exponential potentials trillions watt waves with "Project Woodpecker" on ionosphere.. The Russian Woodpecker needs to be exposed to world, It is the Russians death ray device zapping ability to cause earthquakes and tsunamis...It not america that causes disaster or controls weather, it Russia with the woodpecker that today cause the 8.0 shock in Colombia....

Robotoids respond to conventional routine medical tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, drink, breathe and bleed if cut and can be killed. Robotoids can also think, but they think only in the sense that a computer thinks. So their brains have to be programmed for each assignment given, but they have an enormous biological computer brain memory capacity. Thus they can be programmed and think in such complex patterns that they act human.
Russian robotoids have a “holographic brain”. This brain duplicates essentially the entire memory of the person being copied. The key technique for this is called an “ultrasonic cerebral hologram”. Using high-frequency sound waves, which are inaudible, a complete three-dimensional picture is made of a person’s brain. This is a painless, non-destructive process; and under proper conditions it can be done without a person being aware of it. The holographic image of the brain is a complete record of the neuron patterns at the moment the hologram is made. It thus contains all memories and knowledge in the brain up to that moment. As a result the robotoid will do many things like repeating mannerisms and recognising old friends without the need for specific programming.
Robotoids don’t grow or reproduce and have a very limited life span. Their metabolism is very inefficient. They can be manufactured at short notice, a matter of a few hours, but degenerates physically and mentally within weeks or months. They can be programmed with a donor’s memories in a few hours.
To manufacture an organic robotoid a pattern is needed. That pattern must be a genetic coding from a few cells from the body of a human being. The Russian robotoid manufacturing technique sounds like cloning but is totally unrelated to genuine cloning. A robotoid is produced in a matter of hours, and it simulates the human donor at his current age. 

The zapped hologram of the mind inserted into the Robotoid test-tube  makes the Robotoid have similar inclinations and interests as the real that mind ONCE had. NOT EVEN WORST OF IT, THAT HAVE THIS ZAP COPY ABILITY, TO SIMPLY INSERT A HOLOGRAM PICTURE OF SOMEONES MIND, and thus,  THE , that zapped Jimmy Carter's hologram into Obama's test tube..So I digress, So we the zapped hologram of the mind inserted into the Robotoid testtube, makes the Robotoid have similar inclinations and interests as the real that mind ONCE had. NOT EVEN WORST OF IT, THAT HAVE THIS ZAP COPY ABILITY, TO SIMPLY INSERT A HOLOGRAM PICTURE OF SOMEONES MIND, and thus,  THE , that zapped Jimmy Carter's hologram into Obama's test tube..So I digress, So we seriously have a Russian Robotic  MINDED "JIMMY CARTER" in office. As you can see Obama has the same fundamental obsessions as Carter.  The soviet scientists really make laugh, this shit is really hysterical, but obviously  his obsession with Ford, the automobile industry, and the destruction of our oil industry are just a few examples of  Jimmy Carter traces of memory stored  in his holographic brain.

Robotoids and genetic doubles, I REPEAT, have been around and steadily being perfected for four decades of public use right before your eyes. They are a product of the Soviet Zionists and have been your puppet masters for a long, long time—a new twist of sick humor perhaps—”the puppet pulling the human’s strings!”
lighted souls to traverse the heavens for they are birthed of the wMy god, Dick Cheney you are doing a great job for your criticism of Obama is righteous , for he continues to try to cut out national defense budget, little  snips and rips here there The new director of the Central 
Intelligence Agency, R. James Woolsey, has told lawmakers it would be 
dangerously unwise, in a world full of instability, to cut next year's 
spending by more than a relatively small amount...The unruly to taking our missile defense sites in Poland, alaraming right the russian and Alaska administration's unexpected protectiveness toward spy agencies that grew 
up with the Cold War stands in marked contrast to the views of 
Democratic lawmakers who believe the agencies' budgets should now shrink 
because of the collapse of Communism and the need for U.S. cost-cutting. 
critics both inside and outside government point 
out, would leave spy programs with roughly as much federal money as 
education and the environment combined. " This is getting out of control the Russians have implemented this serendipitous crippling of our country through the most ingenious, and sick, twisted, hidden, design, beyond comprehension of space and time to enfold America from within. I am in awe and seriously cannot believe that any supposed foe of ours would go through lengths to destruct  our country, through this systematic collapsing tormenting terror that the  Russia have interlocked in our society for quite some time, for us crumble from within is the goal it seems they have, to literally bring us to our fucking knees  and at the same time be able project to world  that we are the enemy is A warped  insane game and  Americans need to stand up tp Russia today.. for the evidence of today's earthquake in Colombia  MOore on "Project Woodpecker"; Russias
Aluminum Plants on Columbia prove to world that earthquake that occurred in Columbia 20 hours ago, was Russia's death ray Zapping beams of microwave exponential potentials trillions watt waves with "Project Woodpecker" on ionosphere.. The Russian Woodpecker needs to be exposed to world, It is the Russians death rxay device zapping ability to cause earthquakes and tsunamis...It not america that causes disaster or controls weather, it Russia with the woodpecker that today cause the 8.0 shock in Colombia....S.the zapped hologram of the mind inserted into the Robotoid testtube, makes the Robotoid have similar inclinations and interests as the real that mind ONCE had. NOT EVEN WORST OF IT, THAT HAVE THIS ZAP COPY ABILITY, TO SIMPLY INSERT A HOLOGRAM PICTURE OF SOMEONES MIND, and thus,  THE , that zapped Jimmy Carter's hologram into Obama's test tube..So I digress, So we seriously have a Russian Robotic  MINDED "JIMMY CARTER" in office. As you can see Obama has the same fundamental obsessions as Carter.  The soviet scientist really make laugh, this shit is really hysterical, but obviously  his obsession hore of Babylon who rests her feet upon the heads of God’s precious Creation/creations and laughs at the blindness of the lambs. Man realizes not that he walks and serves that which bears no soul essence within the breasts—he follows reproductions of genetic fabrications in blindness. He realizes not that simply through Truth and confrontation with that Truth shall the evil replicas fall to the wayside.

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