Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This is the email I sent Obama regarding amnesty.. I AM PRO AMNESTY, I told Senator Cruz and the Republicans that this a common sense bill, and we have been trying to pass it since 1986!! pass it quick, and then revert back to repealing sequester and obamacare!! GOD Bless !!

But yes, you see these illegals account for many of our agricultural jobs in our farming states, point blank, and plain and simple, they are needed to pick fruit, and this isn't a joke. For example, If you had ever eaten an orange , most likely that Orange was picked by an illegal Mexican, down somewhere in Florida. Now, Missouri had passed a bill some time back , and crack down on these illegals, turns out the major farming industries, more specifically, the tomato industry in Missouri lost Billions for deporting our fruit picker back to Mexico. These tough jobs are needed in huge numbers, and the tough back breaking labor does not appeal to us Americans it seems lol. So we need to get them on the books accounted for, so we can tax them up the ass haha. No,but seriously it's important for these mexicans that are needed to pick fruit, that they be able to get a real drivers license , and feel secure , because they are needed. Thank you sir. Remember on other news, like I have told you time and again, Vlad Putin is not your friend! I am, and Bush jr. is, Al gore is not!..Make sure you watch Morgan Spur-lock's special on Migrant Workers that aired on CNN , it's relevant to my previous email, very informing my friend, we can use it to pressure the Republicans to understand why we need amnesty passed.

These representatives serve districts that want leaders on immigration reform. Organizing for Action is going to make sure they know that. Add your name to tell them it's time for action: http://OFA.BO/nyuXuW #ActOnReform

Photo: These representatives serve districts that want leaders on immigration reform. Organizing for Action is going to make sure they know that. Add your name to tell them it's time for action: http://OFA.BO/nyuXuW #ActOnReform

1 comment:

  1. we should probably wait until after the 2014 elections, Rubio and the gang of 8 is the reason why we are passing this, the democrats are losing seats in congress and the house..
