Saturday, March 22, 2014

We sure as hell never saw the Russians use the KGB to infiltrate and subvert our federal, state and local government(s ) through "Orange" or Maidan Revolutions in such brazen and overt ways to force a banking system on us that we must use?... Like it or not. Through the West's own action(s) you could argue Stalin was right not to trust us. He put up an "Iron Curtain" which we tore down through "Liberty and Democratic principles" we gushed only to have it replaced with a "missile offense shield"! I think it's safe to say who the World should be down wind from at this point...Russian Forces Storm Crimean Military Base In Belbek - Live Webcast As we reported earlier, while Ukraine military forces are either slowly leaving the Crimea or joining the Russian army, one outpost, that at the Crimean airforce base of Belbek, remains undaunted by Russian demands to hand over the premises as the Russian ultimatum to surrender has expired, and moments ago wire services reported that shots were fired as Russian forces stormed the front gate of the Crimean outpost

We sure as hell never saw the Russians use the KGB to infiltrate and subvert our federal, state and local government(s ) through "Orange" or Maidan Revolutions in such brazen and overt ways to force a banking system on us that we must use?...   Like it or not. Through the West's own action(s) you could argue Stalin was right not to trust us.  He put up an "Iron Curtain" which we tore down through "Liberty and Democratic principles" we gushed only to have it replaced with a "missile offense shield"! I think it's safe to say who the World should be down wind from at this point...

Russian Forces Storm Crimean Military Base In Belbek - Live Webcast

As we reported earlier, while Ukraine military forces are either slowly leaving the Crimea or joining the Russian army, one outpost, that at the Crimean airforce base of Belbek, remains undaunted by Russian demands to hand over the premises as the Russian ultimatum to surrender has expired, and moments ago wire services reported that shots were fired as Russian forces stormed the front gate of the Crimean outpost

ussian Forces Storm Crimean Military Base In Belbek - Live Webcast

Tyler Durden's picture

As we reported earlier, while Ukraine military forces are either slowly leaving the Crimea or joining the Russian army, one outpost, that at the Crimean airforce base of Belbek, remains undaunted by Russian demands to hand over the premises as the Russian ultimatum to surrender has expired, and moments ago wire services reported that shots were fired as Russian forces stormed the front gate of the Crimean outpost. Watch a live webcast from the scene below as the Russian force take control of the last place of presence of Ukraine forces in the Crimea.

Update: Curiously, as soon as we put the live webcast on, this happened:

If we find a different live feed we will update. In the meantime, there is twitter:

The following LiveNews live news site has an occasional feed from Belbek:

Update 2: The situation is back to normal as Russian troops finally take control of the airbase

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Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:15 | 4580234DaddyO
DaddyO's picture
I posted this in the other Ukraine article, so forgive me for posting again.
I don't do it often.
Sanity Check...

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:42 | 4580278john39
john39's picture
Dr. Kevin Barrett- 'God bless you president Putin':

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:43 | 4580280Headbanger
Headbanger's picture
Well,  There goes that neighborhood!

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:49 | 4580293rehypothecator
rehypothecator's picture
In light of all the seized property, including land and battleships, the Ukraine could just assert a dollar value to those assets and claim they are at least partial payment, if not payment in full, for the gas contracts outstanding between Ukraine and Russia. (Thereby canceling some or all of the underlying bonds.) "You take our land and assets, we take your gas."  

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:10 | 4580339Volkodav
Volkodav's picture
useless talkings

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:51 | 4580429Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai's picture
LOL, the gas has already been taken and burned. But Ukraine has exactly zero bargaining power so Russia will simply take what it wants at this point. But what you suggest will probably happen as after-the-fact window dressing.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:03 | 4580321Son of Captain Nemo
Son of Captain Nemo's picture
john39  +1000

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:47 | 4580419Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai's picture
Yeah, I'm not sure that deifying Putin is really the right way to go. He's a thinly-reconstructed KGB thug, after all.
Still, he is doing a MUCH better job at looking out for his country than Soetero and the gang is doing for ours. Credit where credit is due.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 13:07 | 4580452Son of Captain Nemo
Son of Captain Nemo's picture
Like it or not...

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 13:36 | 4580510Volkodav
Volkodav's picture
VV Putin was administrative, degree in economics I think... he was considered mild cooperative and go with flow by Yelstin controlling....that is how miracle of his selection was allowed...
breakout was true love of country..and bond with new group of like thinkers...
began take country back from damage and real
is thin or thug?...or in fight to level required to overcome...
better worry about your country...which is thinner thug and millions more body counnt

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:13 | 4580345PeakOil
PeakOil's picture
Forgiven. Orlov is an excellent read. And most definitely a voice of sanity amidst an ocean of pwned media propaganda.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:26 | 4580368Gadfly
Gadfly's picture
This is brilliant and spot on.  Thanks for the post.  I will now go to his blog on a regular basis.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:18 | 45802380b1knob
0b1knob's picture
Phase 2:  Do russian bears poo in the forest?  Live feed.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:19 | 4580239Smegley Wanxalot
Smegley Wanxalot's picture
Looks like the NSA is blocking that live webcast.

EDIT - now it is working (for now, at least)

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:22 | 4580242SWRichmond
SWRichmond's picture
Doesn't look like a lot of "storming".

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:13 | 4580283a common man
a common man's picture
link deleted

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 13:31 | 4580498smlbizman
smlbizman's picture
swr....u are right not really storming but definetly snow flurrys...

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:44 | 4580284Kirk2NCC1701
Kirk2NCC1701's picture
I've seen Bumper Cars do more bumping.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:56 | 4580304Element
Element's picture
Speaking of storming things, Canada and US middle and east are in for another frigid snap over the next few days and models indicate reappearance of the polar vortex in one week to cap it off. Welcome to Spring.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:14 | 4580347Jack Burton
Jack Burton's picture
Hey Element, I am in extreme North East Minnesota, not far south of Thunder Bay. -10 below tonight, snow at my back door is 5 1/2 high, drifts 6-7 feet. Shoveled for an hour so the mail man can get in to my box this morning. The mangeled jet stream has kept polar vortex over us for many months, -30 common, snow every few days. Fucking nightmare. Meanwhile the high arctic is is a record heat wave for most of this winter. Siberia as of yesterday was seeing 30 degree above normal temps all the way out into the Kara Sea. The unlocking of the jet stream is now a fact, and I predict I will have much to post about as regards weather in the coming months. Stay tuned, Ukraine is an intersting story, by my guess is 2014 weather is what will get people's attention.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:30 | 4580373Element
Element's picture
Yeah, it's going to get warmer in Siberia too by the look of the model forecast and cold down into the Urals area. The jetstream seems to be doing a mirror remake of the 1970s pattern. It's pretty clear within the decadal data there are half-century scale oscillations, apparently PDO driven. If so the next ten years ... well, ... keep the shovel handy. When this occurred to North America in the 1970s the Australian winters got real cold too. Hope this is not what we are seeing the beginning of. Keep warm mate.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:50 | 4580424drdolittle
drdolittle's picture
I live at the corner of KY, OH and WV and we've had a nice winter here. By nice I mean we had snow on the ground for a month, several snowstorms and more coming next week instead of the usual hihg 30s to 40s and rainy. 30 below is brutal, sorry man. I like a snowy winter and we've had it in spades this year.
Interesting about the decadal pattern. In the 50s it was global warming, 70s cooling now we're back to warming. Maybe we should all freak out about it?

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:30 | 4580378Jam
Jam's picture
As a fellow Minnesotan I can attest to your facts about the weather here. Cheers.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 13:22 | 4580483Volkodav
Volkodav's picture
And the Volga is mild this winter....

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 13:44 | 4580524kashey
kashey's picture
And here in Moscow we have spring one month ahead of schedule, it was +14 celcius today, first flowers are seen in the fields. It is something unprecedented, has never been before.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 11:56 | 4580308JR
JR's picture
Seems like the facts on the ground are trumping the news reports and tweets. When the news reports include those ferocious words, "storm” and “seize,” one wonders what words can be used when there is an actual “onslaught.”
The problem is the video; you can describe things but when you show them and they are not happening, it makes one look a bit foolish or perhaps John McCainisch.

Sat, 03/22/2014 - 12:20 | 4580361Jack Burton
Jack Burton's picture
JR, We all know how Israel operates. They use force to create Facts on the Ground. Now Russia has learned to do what America's rulers do, create facts. Putin and Russia rescued the people of Crimea from the NATO arms and IMF bankers, and the western media is going insane with rage over it. Ha! Ha! Fuck you CNN. Crimeans are now dent free, owe the bankers nothing, and pensions and salaries are set to double to Russian Federation levels. Wonder why 96% vote to join Russia! Pocketbooks, and security. Fuck bankrupt rascist Ukraine, they are about to get IMF loans and their industry looted, fucking fools.


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