banking oligarchy is true Everybody is on glue Metephorically cause you are not
supposed to learn to connect all the dots When the right hand doesn't-
know what the-left hand is doing? =The body? it rots! metephorical
Ignor it still
But war reviel
The door that spill
Always to the same families
Papertrails from real enemies
Military complexmanufacturing conquest profit off both sides?
We were born into a world with no rights!
we think we have a democratic constitution?
money has attacked the root
and there's no solution
Fom who we elect to-
Work against the molopoly
They've all been played,
To mascaraid,
and help create da instinct
the insanity?
There is no link
To humanity
only the "corporation"holding in its equation
Something called "legislation"
which has currupted
could work if it-where
its made back to policy
constitutional rights? only-
elong to the monopoly!
every so called "law"is another right lost
Judicial system designed for us?
Is been sold and tossed
to these fucking devilish families
that are the "ruling class" who invented
religions and property
and the confusion of,
Cash money
doesnt even have intristic value-
the cost of paper and ink only.
Jlus the image they sell you-
but loans with compounded interest?
are payed
back with our hard work
blood sweat and tears!
because you need it to eat, while thier machine
in rollling through the gears!
going faster and fast
in our name is straight is hypocracy
where imbred bastards
bought and sold the whole majority
and create the the view of norm
and whats judicated for a authority
owning information control?they wish!
but I'm sure they plan to be
so, ya see the truth is hidden
only from your perception
if we see the deciet? WE CAN-
but the left/right wing paradime-
presribed as "election" ?
and the behaviour engineering
will hide its root direction
from the herds concious mind.
unless we choose not to listen
then secret societies
that still groom and condition
and the ancient roots of methods t
hat still boom on a mission
stare at the dots connected
ere you cant consume
the decision to see
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