Saturday, October 1, 2016

Tthe world's people concerned about China government mind control experiments 9 years Victims Wang Yan (2007——2016) (Chinese government secret human experiments----- Require the attention of the world's people)

The following is an exerpt from a concerned civilian that lives in the Republic of China, just to give you an idea how deplorable the Chinese Communist Government is:

The Chinese government , 8 years, treated me , including chronic poison secret human experimentation activities , own less than 30 years old, injured cirrhosis, cholecystitis complicated. In China 's Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital , atherosclerosis , hypertension, cardiac diagnosis, also associated with diabetes, and Demonize demonizing type, Incite social persecution,Result Make me so many times , Qianshan County Government and Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Compulsory Caught in Mental hospital, Held Torture。,my 8- year-old daughter has been experimentally Wang Xin Rui phenomenon, today , by turning off the firewall , come here, request the great the world's people close attention.

Treat my secret human experimentation activities in China is called mind control experiments by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , and a large number of innocent compatriots die here, typical : Fuzhou, Fujian , Wu Qiao Yan , girl, 28 -year-old victim three years because the injured uterine fibroids, unbearable torture committed suicide , Wuhan, Hubei Province , penggongqian, male, 40 years old, 10 -year-old victim died of gallbladder ampulla .

Can be summarized as mind control is not able to fully control their brain , but professional proficiency, formed to study the human brain , thinking, human mental activity , known as the brain tissue control tissue , usually by the Chinese Ministry of State Security , behind the local Security Authority in secret behind the manipulation of the core is to engage the dead , is the use of special powers(Police identity) to instigate social isolation, discrimination, harassment , humiliation and persecution , coupled with slow poison behind the murder of 24 hours maintenance monitoring read minds , and long-term effects , leading to the victims of mental illness , depression , suicide, illness and death, family cancer deaths over 10 years of chronic poison damage , all the staff , all the horror of death .

Today, I am the spirit of self-help as a temporary control of the victim's life, but , for those innocent Chinese compatriots died , the great , world's people petition , Censure to urge Chinese government to immediately stop the crimes against humanity and open secret human experimentation activities ( mind control experiments ) .

This privilege , dark, brutal , and Japanese 731 almost, terrible secret means engage the dead , the development of today's information age , there is no way to let the public know that this is the treatment of the entire Chinese people , but also the people of the world is an insult and provocation .

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