Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Big Picture according to Twin-c Vanilla Spilla (Charles Graham). Moral corruption facilitates the whole process of bringing down nations. The financial element (pressure from above) paralyzes things and the revolutionary left (pressure from below) deals the death blow.

 The Big Picture according to Twin-c Vanilla Spilla (Charles Graham)

(Pawns in the Game) states that the Old Testament is the history of how Satan became prince of the world and how the Synagogue of Satan was established. Along with providing an alternative to the rule of Satan, Christ identified the Luciferian forces of his day, the money-changers, the Pharisees, who were the Illuminati of his day. In fact, in Pawns in the Game and Red Fog Over America he points out that those who direct the Synagogue of Satan direct our governments, whom they hold in usury, to fight the wars and revolutions they need to bring the world to the stage when Atheistic Communism and the whole of Christendom can be forced into an all-out war.

Historical events connect the House of Rothschild with the Jewish Illuminati and the French Revolution. Vanilla Spilla says there is a connection with Jewish High Priests and their use of the Kabalah. Supposedly the Illuminati was organized by certain bankers and high priests to carry out instructions given to the High Priests by Lucifer during their performance of Kabalistic Rites. The Supreme Council of the Jewish Illuminati numbered thirteen. They remain the Executive Council of Thirty-Three. Their goal is to destroy the religion founded by Christ and his 12 apostles. Every member of the Council swears ultimate allegiance to the leader of the Council.

Moral corruption facilitates the whole process of bringing down nations. The financial element (pressure from above) paralyzes things and the revolutionary left (pressure from below) deals the death blow.

Directors of the Bank of America were agents of the Bank of England, both controlled by the Illuminati. (Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris organized the Bank of America).


1) Demand monetary reform and monetary controls: place the issuance of currency in the hands of the government, where it belongs. I.e., repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, as it is entirely unconstitutional and gives control of America to a small group of international financiers.

2) Do not allow secret negotiations or secret societies. Illuminati and their type always work behind the scenes in secret. If we have government of, by and for the people, we have a right to know what every detail of what goes on.

3) The United Nations is the Trojan Horse of the International Conspiracy and World Revolutionary Movement. Abolish the U.N.

4) All illegal trade and traffic (organized crime, the mob, CIA, etc.) needs to be cleaned up.

It is important to remember that the Devil’s nucleus of evil is centered in no more than about 300 master-minds, the so-called “Committee of 300.”

5) Remember that the Christian Faith is based on Faith, Hope, and Charity.

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