Saturday, June 3, 2017

OBAMA HAS FOSTERED A LAWLESS SOCIETY 7nation and have fostered a lawless society,” he asserts.


Reverend William Owens, President of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) has much to say about Obama. “Obama and his administration have caused division in our nation and have fostered a lawless society,” he asserts.
“The divide that we are witnessing didn’t just start,” he explains. “We have a president who has divided us as a nation with his political rhetoric. In America, gays are divided against straight people, rich against poor, women against men, blacks against whites, black lives matter against police – which our president promotes.”
“I am deeply concerned about the lawlessness that has become commonplace in our neighborhoods,” he says. “We have a ‘spirit’ of lawlessness that has permeated every area of our civilization. President Obama opened the door with his lawless deeds by continually subverting the will of the people by using executive action to institute policies that ‘We the People’ voted against. I do hold him accountable for setting an example as the leader of our nation by systematically acting lawlessly himself. In addition, he has not offered consistent and solid leadership in his seven plus years as commander and chief. We don’t need any more of his speeches. We need a leader. One who is accountable to ‘We the People.’ One who is not lawless or reckless.”
Is it any wonder that we have seen this fundamental transformation of America over the last eight years? The Obamas told us exactly what they would be doing:
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008
“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008


Barack Obama’s legacy is a divided, lawless, mooching, disrespectful America. Obama has been very clear about his open alliance with Black Lives Matter terrorists and professional race baiters for hire. Ever since the death of Trayvon Martin, when Obama began his first strategy meetings with Al Sharpton and his former AG, Eric Holder, he shamelessly held closed-door meetings at the White House. His meetings were met with criticism by many Americans for hosting disreputable characters. Recall that Al Sharpton publicly called for a “summer of riots” and the “burning of our cities.” All the while, Obama subtly encouraging the masses to keep up the fight against law enforcement and not give in to the oppressive white man.
These violent city protests that we have witnessed over the last few years have not been spontaneous. They are happening because of a well-planned, highly strategized and well-funded group of hard-core thugs, who will stop at nothing to ensure their radical agenda is not upended by the election of Donald Trump. Obama openly preaches sedition, insurrection, and overthrow of a duly elected president showing that there is no end to the lawlessness of Obama’s “Chicago Mob” playbook written by Valerie Jarrett and the rest of the Chicago gangsters. Even former Loretta Lynch has posted an open video onto the Democrat Facebook page, calling for marching, blood, and death in the streets.
In working toward the transformation on America, the Obama administration supported:
If anything, the Obama administration added to the toxic fumes in the D.C. Swamp. Obama exhibited a pattern of cold indifference toward fallen officers targeted by racial thugs and jihadists. Attorney General Eric Holder declared that state AGs were not obligated to defend laws with which they disagree. Government agencies ran rough-shod over the rights of individual citizens and Congress just sat back, letting Obama finish shredding the Constitution and Bill of Rights, an agenda that arose with the Council on Foreign Relations under the steady leadership of a 93-year-old Henry Kissinger who will not let go of the reins of power until he shuffles off his mortal coil.

More Obama Lawlessness

  • Illegally armed Mexican drug cartels and ISIS militants
  • Attempted to shut down gun stores in America outside of current law
  • Spent tax dollars to re-settle illegals inside America
  • Used executive action to restrict Second Amendment
  • Illegally targeted conservative groups via IRS
  • Secretly obtained phone records from Associated Press journalists
  • Carried out military interventionism in Libya, Syria, and Yemen without congressional approval
  • Supports unconstitutional, indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without filing any charges
  • Supports unconstitutional, warrantless wiretapping
  • Stole money from retired teachers and police officers
  • Fired Inspector General for discovering that Obama’s friend had embezzled government funds
  • Lied about letting people keep their health insurance
  • Lied about the cost of Obamacare
  • Gave tax dollars to campaign contributors and lobbyists
  • Had “off the record” meetings with lobbyists
  • Ignored constitutional requirements for appointees
  • Tried to outlaw family farms
  • Auctioned off the ambassadorship to the Netherlands
  • Stole money from retired Delphi employees
  • Used “off the books” funding for military interventionism
  • Tried to silence criticism of auto-bailouts
  • Illegally gave Obamacare exemptions to unions that supported the passage of Obamacare
  • Made recess appointments when Congress was not in recess
  • Approved giving twenty F-16 fighter jets to a Sharia dictatorship
  • Encouraged employers to switch their employees from full-time to part-time
  • Had Freedom of Information Act record worse than Bush’s
  • Supported installation of hidden cameras on private property without a search warrant
  • Lied about the Benghazi attack
  • Falsely said that Fast and Furious was started when Bush was President
  • Illegally refused to fire Kathleen Sebelius after she violated campaign finance laws
  • Gave special access to people who raised or donated $500,000
  • Illegally refused to submit a budget on time during four of his first five years
  • Fined UPS $40 million because some of its customers had used UPS to ship illegal drugs
  • Added 20,000 extra pages to Obamacare without Congressional approval
  • Waited until after the 2012 election to release unpopular Obamacare rules
  • Put a journalist in jail for making an anti-Muslim video
  • Rewarded one of his biggest campaign fundraisers by nominating him for the ambassadorship to Canada
  • Asked contractors to disclose their political donations before bidding on government contracts
  • Asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate himself for lying under oath
  • Used Obamacare to illegally give the IRS additional powers without approval from Congress
  • Illegally solicited donations from health insurers
  • Refused to prosecute more than 1,000 IRS employees who illegally used their IRS credit cards
  • Had the IRS grant special, illegal favors for his brother’s so-called “charity”
  • Illegally by-passed Congress to delay Obamacare’s employer mandate
  • Gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to illegal aliens who all used the same address
  • Used tax money to pay federal employees to organize protests against George Zimmerman
  • Illegally continued giving foreign aid to Egypt after it had a coup
  • Broke promise to end Bush’s surveillance of citizens who were not suspected of committing a crime
  • Falsely guaranteed that people could keep their doctor with Obamacare
  • Prevented employees from choosing their own plan during the first year of Obamacare
  • Avoided enforcing income verification of people who receive subsidies from Obamacare exchanges
  • Illegally delayed the caps on out-of-pocket health care payments without Congressional approval
  • Falsely said the NSA review was being conducted by an “independent” body
  • Nominated a telecommunications lobbyist and Obama fundraiser to head the FCC
  • Threatened internet service providers with contempt of court if they did not install surveillance software


A recent U..S Supreme Court decision marks the twelfth time the court has unanimously ruled against the Obama administration on the issue of executive power and its overreach. That brings Obama’s total to 44 unanimous losses, the most in U.S. history. It seems obvious that Obama thought he could rule unchecked by any other branch of government. He certainly demonstrated that he had no regard for the rule of law as he pardoned and/or commuted the convictions of 1,715 people. And currently, his actions as a former president seem to indicate that he doesn’t understand that his term is over. Citizens are carefully watching him, his handler Valerie Jarrett, and the other gang of community organizers that are gathering in his Washington D.C. home not far from the White House.
CDR USNR (ret) David F. LaRocque sums up the lawlessness of the Obama/Clinton administration:
“When we have an ineligible president, an unconstitutional monetary system, unconstitutional czars, unresponsive elected representatives, a thoroughly corrupt federal court system, undeclared wars in violation of the Constitution, an unconstitutional tax system, numerous federal agencies and departments that undertake roles far exceeding the limitations of the Constitution, serious and growing abridgement of specific constitutional rights originating from our Creator and guaranteed by the Constitution, unconstitutional infringement of the rights and prerogatives of the states on a massive scale, unconstitutional land grabs by an out-of-control federal government, outrageous abuses of governmental powers in a wide variety of areas (including the infamous TSA operation, the EPA, the IRS, the DHS, the ATF, the DEA, the CIA, the FBI, the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service as examples), a socialist welfare scheme that is both unconstitutional and is bankrupting the country, no federal budget for three years running, a First Lady who desires to be addressed as Your Excellency and has a personal staff paid for by the taxpayers as large as some small agencies, an administration overrun with individuals committed by their Marxist political philosophy to the overthrow of the Constitution and the rule of law, a so-called Congressional Research Service which manufactures lies intended to deceive the American people, a Department of Justice that is so corrupt that it defies comprehension and acts as if it is above the law, a corrupt Congress whose members openly exploit their positions of trust for personal financial and political gain, a Supreme Court with members who brazenly defy the obligation of recusal in the face of outrageous conflicts of interest, unconstitutional government sponsored enterprises which have incurred huge losses arising from politically-motivated policies and which losses were born by the taxpayers while virtually destroying large sectors of the national economy, the passage of a plainly unconstitutional health care bill which will almost certainly destroy what is left of the economic vitality of the nation and insure the descent of the nation into a fiscal abyss from which there can be no recovery, election fraud on a massive scale, and on and on well we just don’t have much of a Constitution left, in my opinion.”


America boasts that it is a country of laws, but this does not mean that the law is taken seriously. All it means is that there are people with the title of “judges” and “lawyers” involved so a citizen might think that there is law and order, all the while citizens are being railroaded and denied rights, having their families destroyed, their lives ruined, and freedoms are trampled by a court.”The Rule of Law” is just a propaganda phrase that keeps a citizen thinking that the country operates under laws that are applicable to all citizens, not just middle America. But in reality our courts ensure that the criminal cabal literally can get away with murder…one at a time or by the millions.
The reality of American courts is an immense tragedy and catastrophe, a disaster which is mostly un-reported in the news media. There are millions of victims, with stories that are largely hidden, suppressed, or obscured by the “propaganda news” organizations.
Unlike what people imagine, most legal cases are never even allowed to get to a jury – the judges make sure of that. People are crushed and destroyed, threatened and sentenced, denied access to their families and children, and lose everything they have and own, without any jury ever hearing what they had to say.


A Princeton University study says public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law. So what does influence the law?


While the opinions of the bottom 90% of income earners in America have a “statistically non-significant impact,” economic elites, business interests, and people who can afford lobbyists carry major influence in setting and interpreting U.S. law.
Nearly every issue we face as a nation is caught in the grip of corruption. From taxation to national debt, education to the economy, America is struggling to address our most serious issues. Moneyed interests get what they want, and the rest of us pay the price. In the last five years alone, the 200 most politically active companies in the US spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and campaign contributions. Those same companies got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support — earning a return of 750 times their investment. They spend billions influencing a government that We the People pay for in trillions of dollars.
As the cost of winning elections explodes, politicians of both political parties become ever more dependent on the tiny slice of the population who can bankroll their campaigns. To win a Senate seat in 2014, candidates had to raise $14,351 every single day. Just .05% of Americans donate more than $10,000 in any election, so it’s perfectly clear who candidates will turn to first, and who they’re indebted to when they win. In return for campaign donations, elected officials pass laws that are good for their mega-donors, and bad for the rest of us.
Our elected officials spend 30-70% of their time in office fundraising for the next election. When they’re not fundraising, they have no choice but to make sure the laws they pass keep their major donors happy — or they won’t be able to run in the next election. What we know about this corruption through lobbying can be summarized in the following ten points.
  1. American politicians don’t represent “the people.” With a few honorable exceptions, they represent the 1% or simply their own personal interests.
  1. Politicians can be bribed to reduce regulation of industries or just about anything.
  1. The chief villains of the 2008 meltdown (from which 90% of Americans have not recovered) have not been prosecuted. This was insider trading and illegal.
  1. The US military budget is bloated and enormous, bigger than the military budgets of the next twelve major countries. Half of it is spent on outsourced services creating corporate “entitlement” on a grand scale.Six trillion has come up “missing” in the last decade.
  1. The US has 2.2 million prisoners in privatized jails and penitentiaries that are kept full by bias judges who are bribed by private corporations.
  1. The elite are well-placed to bribe our politicians to reduce taxes on the rich and not look at off-shore tax havens or the gambling casinos of Wall Street.
  1. The CIA and National Security Agency’s domestic spying is a form of corruption of the US Constitution and the US Bill of Rights and is the sell-out of the US Intelligence Community to corporate intelligence agencies who promote Obamaism instead of American interests.
  1. Asset forfeiture in the ‘drug war’ is corrupting police departments and the judiciary and the Department of Justice no longer is just.
  1. Money and corruption have seeped into our media system turning it into Fake News that is propaganda for Obama Robotoid CLone Black Magician with Jimmy Carter 2.0 brain into the body skin complex Of King

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